- Destination -Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV)
- hop-by-hop protocol
- sequence numbers to prevent aging of routes
- each time step, every node sends a full dump of its routing table (destination, next hop, last sqn, metric) to its neighbors with route to itself attached as routing advertisement
- routes are imported if they are newer (by sqn) or have better metric and not too old (? I did not really understand the WST fudge factor in this protocol ?)
- Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA)
- hop-by-hop protocol
- assigns height per node and per each destination
- packets are routed "downhill" to destination
- routes are requested through "QUERY" which initiates "UPDATES" which will set the heights
- Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)
- source-routing
- route requests with unique ID flooded, intermediate nodes append own address to request re-broadcast, flooded route requests are repeated with increasing back-off time and TTL
- destination replies to each route request with "route reply" containing the route sent back to originator of request along the reverse route
- store overheared route replies in link cache, run Dijkstra's algorithm for source routing, send route request if no route in link cache
- send route error back to origin of source-routed packet if 802.11 ACK fails, source has to recover
- maintain blacklist for detected unidirectional links (per node)
- Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
- hop-by-hop routing
- combination of DSR and DSDV
- ns-2 network simulator extended to model MAC (RTS/CTS ACK) and physical layer (delay, capture, carrier sense, transmission power, antenna gain, receiver sensitivity) behavior of 802.11 and node mobility, ARP, packet buffering
- ns is discrete even simulator
- Goal: "measure the ability of [...] routing protocols to react to network topology change while continuing to [...] deliver data packets [...]"
- 50 nodes on 1500mx300m space, 210 different scenario files, CBR sources
- No TCP measurements (this is probably a more relevant number as TCP most deployed, but maybe the TCP dynamics has to change to accomodate different link layer characteristics)
- DSDV-SQ fails to converge for high mobility, has high loss rates then
- TORA has largest overhead (by almost 10 for high mobility), DSDV-SQ has almost constant overhead independent of number of sources and degree of mobility
- TORA has high loss rates and bad overhead when >30 sources
- DSDV-SQ and DSR give slightly better paths
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