Monday, November 24, 2008

MapReduce Again!

Matei Zaharia, Andy Konwinski, Anthony D. Joseph, Randy Katz, Ion Stoica, "Improving MapReduce Performance in Hereogenous Environments"

  • Hadoop is an open-source implementation of Map Reduce (and distributed filesystem?)
  • new deployment: virtualized environments, datacenters with several generations of hardware display heterogenity
  • want to optimize scheduler to finish fastest without wasting unnecceary resources
Scheduling the next empty task slot
  • Priority 1: failed tasks
  • Priority 2: non-running tasks
  • Priority 3: Speculative execution
Speculative execution, the native Hadoop way
  • Speculative execution depends on progress score [0,1] devided equally between copy, sort and reduce phase.
  • process is marked straggler if its progress <>
  • a task of a straggler is given to another machine (but at most one speculative execution) based on data locality
(underlying assumptions see 2.2)

New speculative execution: LATE=Longest Approximate Time to End
  • Idea: speculatively execute the task that will finish fathest into the future (greatest opportunity to save time)
  • different methods for estimating time left: basic is linear extrapolation from progress score
  • speculative tasks scheduled on fast nodes (through threshold how much work a node already has performed)
  • rank tasks by time finished, schedule speculative task if it is likely to finish before other node
  • refinements to account for costs of speculative execution: SpeculativeCap on number of concurrent speculative tasks and SlowTaskThreshold
Result: LATE reduces running time by a quarter to a half

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