Monday, September 15, 2008

Congestion Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks

Dina Katabi, Mark Handley, Charlie Rohrs, "Control for High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks"

Cristicism of current TCP:
  • oscillatory and instable
  • AIMD limits sender to acquire only one more packet of bandwidth per RTT
  • biased against long RTT flows (e.g. satellite connections need ad hoc methods like proxies)
  • congestion notification only implicit through packet loss: no distinction between error and congestion loss, long time until packet loss identified
  • Arguments from Control Theory (though more often cited than used ;-)
  • Simulation
  • Rethinking the transport protocol without requiring backward compatibility
  • no per-flow state
  • separation of utilization/efficiency and fairness control
  • detects misbehaving sources
  • provides incentive to both: users & ISPs
  • gradual deployment schemes discussed
  • new protocol supersedes TCP: eXplicit Control Protocol
  • XCP congestion header informs sender about degree of congestion rather than having only 1-bit explicit congestion notification or packet loss
  • XCP header includes congestion windows size and RTT (set by sender), gateways can modify the feedback field
  • receiver sends XCP header back to sender, sender uses feedback to set new congestion window
  • if a gateway sees spare bandwidth or overutilization, it picks a couple of packets randomly and sets their feedback field to compensate (not necessarily in a fair manner): efficiency control
  • pairs of flows are picked, the feedback fields are set to take some feedback of the higher-bandwidth flow and give it to the lower bandwidth flow, this will eventually converge to fairness: fairness control

1 comment:

Randy H. Katz said...

Hey, I like this bullet format!